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NAVIGATE is a cargo insurance facility for importers and exporters.

NAVIGATE will match your current insurance cover but in general does provide a scope of policy cover that is much wider than the industry norm.

NAVIGATE provides immediate premium discounts if you have a low claims history over the past 3 years.

NAVIGATE provides rebates (premium sharing) via an incentive mechanism that rewards you for reducing your claims any one insured period.

NAVIGATE allows insurance certificates and premium declarations to be issued via the internet.



NAVIGATE provides you with a claims manager who will on your behalf assist you with documenting, valuing and negotiating your claim settlement with the insurance company.

NAVIGATE provides a high security cargo insurer.

NAVIGATE gives a professional assessment and/or risk audit of your transportation risks.

NAVIGATE provides you with an annual review and assessment of your insurance risks

NAVIGATE provides you with an updated premium and claims history on request.